25 May 2017

The Fourth Annual Royal Ascot Races for RFL of SL

TEAM ACTS invites all Ladies and Gentlemen to The Royal Ascot Race Day on June 24th. We will be beginning our races at 1pm SLT. Three races will be run with the call of Sir Gerrard Winstanley with music afterwards by the same fine gentleman. Everyone is welcome, if you do not wish to dress up, you may be in the heath in the middle of all the excitement. Hope to see you there!!
Sat Jun 24, 2017  1:00 PM SLT
Sat Jun 24, 2017  3:00 PM SLT

Passport to Hope and Love and Many More

 Team ACTS  cordially invites you to our  Rezz Day Party on May 27th from 1-3pm SLT in a celebration of Love and Hope.   Cassie has been in SL for 10 years and  Olde has now been here for 5 years.   We wish to celebrate this momentous occasion with our dear friends and relayers, led by DJ Magda Kamenev who also shares her rezz day with us.
All donations to RFL of SL.  :http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rosehaven%20Reverie/23/193/3002

17 May 2017


We accomplished this goal a while back and working hard to move on up to the next level!!! Many events coming up for us!!!   Watch FB, G+, ACRFL, Plurk, Twitter and this blog to see what is coming up!!   http://relayforlifeofsecondlife.org/teams/captains-totals/  The last column is how far to the next level.   If you are interested in donating to Relay - tax deductible and VAT tax free - go to http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR/RelayForLife/RFLCY17National?team_id=2165344&pg=team&fr_id=84413  

Team ACTS  thanks you so much for your generous donation to Relay For Life. The American Cancer Society’s mission is to save lives, celebrate lives, and lead the fight for a world without cancer. Smile, have fun, and do awesome things.

08 May 2017

Team ACTS Carpe Librium Library Maze & Dance at 1pm SLT and 7pm SLT

May 2017 Update - Such Busy Relayers !!!

We have stayed quite busy for Relay however not within the community. As we do every year, we participated in Fantasy Faire.  I will quote myself in one of the blogs for Fantasy Faire because I do believe it explains what the participation of ACTS best.  Our team is very special and a very global team in relay. We are all very close. One event that draws all of us together is Fantasy Faire. The magic of the Fairelands affects each and every one of us. Some come as DJs, performers, others as merchants, sponsors, builders, sheriffs, Jailbirds, bloggers, shoppers and photographers. Speaking for all of us, Fantasy Faire brings together our rules: smile, have fun and do pawsum things. Our motto is “Whatever is rightly done, however humble, is noble.” The Magic of the Fairelands brings that together for all of us, no matter how we present ourselves in this wonderful world of Second Life.

This is hot off the presses!!!! Hey Nonny Nonny is now on YouTube!
Sun, May 07 2017 10:42:32 AM PDT

You can see the awesomeness here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3kT9ptNpvk

And there's a story about the background to the making of the song here: https://fantasyfairesl.wordpress.com/2017/05/07/hey-nonny-nonny-now-it-can-be-told/

We have had some events - one great  dual event with Team Go The Distance  at Cay's Woodland Lake and Holocluck  Henly held a delightful party one day. Temptation Falls had an event for our team of live musicians for a wonderful three day weekend. . All were very successul .  If I have been remiss in mentioning someone, I do hereby bow and extend my gratitude.  We are team Aether Chrononauts Tiny Steps - 47 Tax free donations may be made here - http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR/RelayForLife/RFLCY17National?team_id=2165344&pg=team&fr_id=84413

We are preparing to truly kick off our relay season with a multi team event for Relay Stock and Holocluck Henly will be our dj.  We are also have two dances for the Caledon Maze next weekend and Relay Stock.   Preparations for the Royal Ascot are being made for June 24th.   Please let me know details about any event you may have planned.