15 February 2015

Captain's Blog February 15th 2015 The Future is now !!!

Welcome everybody to the new year of Relay For Life of Second Life !!!! The theme this year is The Future is Now!!!   It is wonderful for all of us to work together again this year!! Our team number is 50 - Our team page is http://relayforlifeofsecondlife.org/team-page/?team=50.

To set up your relayer page - you will need to use the chronometer - they are in our group notices  or in volunteers - or you may contact any of us - and we will just toss one your way !  Our convio page is http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR?fr_id=68673&pg=team&team_id=1794317  We have already raised $100 and are on our way to our convio goal of $1000!

Our Blogspot is http://aetherchrononautsrfl.blogspot.com/  - ALL co- captains are encouraged to add to the Blog and if you have something you would like to add - just let one of us know - and we will get the information out !!! Co-Captains as of now are Wildstar Beaumont, Eili McCullough, Brandi Whittenton, Cashew Writer (Cassie), Manfred Hancroft, Jennylynn Capalini, and Magdalena Kamenev

We will be busy painting the grid purple - supplies are at the volunteer center.

Looking forward to a great year !!!
