The Aether Chrononauts Tiny Steps Relay For Life Team - Steamlanders and Tinies raising money to fight cancer
22 July 2014
19 July 2014
07 July 2014
Notes for Relay Weekend!!
We have already accomplished a convio challenge worth 10K for Relay Weekend. Everyone is more than welcome to contribute to our convio
If you are interested you may dedicate a luminaria on the track on the same page.!
See me if you have any questions about this!!
Notes from Nikki:
July 2, 2014
Hello fellow Relayers! I've got some updates to share and wanted to take this time to drop you a line or two (okay LOTS more than two) .. say hello.. and bring you up to date on some happenings in our Second Life Relay Nation
On behalf of the Relay For Life of Second Life Committee I would like to invite you to be our special guests as we begin our Relay Weekend Event with a Honor Lap. Saturday July 19th, at 11:00 AM the Honor Lap will be a time set aside for our survivors and caregivers to walk the track while cheered on by the rest of Relay For LIfe of Second Life.
The Luminaria Ceremony this year will be on July 19th at 9:00pm SLT, the REMEMBER part of Relay. For one hour, names of those we love that have passed away from, or have survived cancer, will be read as we silently circle the track.
Who do you Relay for? If you wish to have the name of a loved one honored by having their name read, please go to the link below and complete the form.
If you have a family member or friend, who is not in SL, but wants to light a luminaria on our track, they have the opportunity to do that. They can visit our website at and then choose to donate (in the right side column) by credit card or paypal and follow the prompts to dedicate a luminaria.
There are sponsorships still available for Relay weekend. Sponsors get some very nice benefits and opportunities at the Relay sims like:
** Name in “about land” of the Relay Weekend region you or your team is sponsoring
** Signage (Clickable) in or near YOUR region’s Relay Information Station
** Logo in Sponsor Directory at the Ceremony Stage during Relay Weekend
** Mention on Relay Radio Station during Relay Weekend
**Name listed on region lap banner on Relay For Life Event track
Contact Cathy10 Longoria to learn more about sponsorship opportunities at Relay!
There are a number of awards that will be presented during Relay weekend. You will find a list of them and the criteria/process for each at this web link:
The final CONVIO CHALLENGE levels will be completed and teams will be awarded at Relay weekend, as well. We still do not have the 100 teams registered for convio challenge met! YOUR TEAM CAN STILL WIN THAT CHALLENGE LEVEL!! Register for convio if you haven't! Read more at this link:
Last year, we were able to receive a (real-life) Relay tshirt from ACS for each $100.00 that we donated. I am THRILLED to announce that once again we will be able to do that this year. For every 100 dollar SINGLE transaction, donated by way of ANY RFL of SL kiosk or convio, an RFL of SL T-Shirt can be shipped directly to you. Rather than waiting for Relay weekend this year, the Century Club TShirt Program starts NOW! Isn't that fantastic?!!. Another VERY cool fact about this year's Century Club program is that the RL shirt will have the SAME design as one that we will all receive inworld, to be worn as ONE TEAM during a very special lap. This is a great way for teams to raise their convio and team totals, at the same time! Please see the embedded notecard for more info.
After the enthusiastic response to last year's Century Club T-shirt program, Sting decided that we needed to have opportunity to get MORE items shipped to us from the storage bins of ACS. So, after finding the keys to the warehouse, he went on a Relay For Life Treasure Hunt and has been finding GREAT items to be shipped out to TWO very lucky Raffle winners! Each entry will cost 1000L and you can enter as many times as you like. Teams may rez raffle vendors and join to the main raffle to sell entries and have it credit to their team totals, too! The drawings will take place on Sunday, July 20th after Event Day has ended. You will not need to be present at the time of the drawing to win. Please read the embedded notecard below for more info.
The Summertime Breedables Fair opened today and will run until July 16th. There are Limited Edition Breedables being sold for RFL plus lots more! It's an amazing set up and their build will be able to be seen from the Relay track during Event weekend, too. Take some time to pop in and visit the Breedables Fair and thank you to all staff and coordinators for taking the time to organize that HUGE event! You can tp in by mapsearching 'Breedables Fair' and choosing one of three sims!
.. takes place at ACS Island on July 11th-18th. This event will feature many real life authors who will be auctioning off unique and very special opportunities in their upcoming books. Watch our website at to learn more info as it is released. This is the first time for this event and we are excited to visit it and meet some amazing authors.
That's all the updates I have for you.. for now. I am sure I'm missing something but yeahhh this is enough for now.
OH, one more thing.. we ask you all not to plan events at your campsites, because we can't have big gatherings at camps and potentially stop the flow of Relaying on the track. But, I DO encourage you to get cool stuff in those vendors!!! You will be able to sell items from your campsites via our vendors and keep raising those team totals PLUS help us get to our goal of 401k! Also, one of the awards is for Creative Fundraising at Relay.. so my challenge to teams is to use your imaginations and put some CREATIVE things in those vendors this Relay weekend. I am soo looking forward to seeing the fun things being sold at the camps, from those vendors. I am going to get my tshirt and swag bagging done now so I can save my lindens for those vendors at Relay! lol
I LOVE Relay weekend! I LOVE Relay! I LOVE our Relay family!
Nikki M
2014 RFL of SL Event Chair
If you are interested you may dedicate a luminaria on the track on the same page.!
See me if you have any questions about this!!
Notes from Nikki:
July 2, 2014
Hello fellow Relayers! I've got some updates to share and wanted to take this time to drop you a line or two (okay LOTS more than two) .. say hello.. and bring you up to date on some happenings in our Second Life Relay Nation
On behalf of the Relay For Life of Second Life Committee I would like to invite you to be our special guests as we begin our Relay Weekend Event with a Honor Lap. Saturday July 19th, at 11:00 AM the Honor Lap will be a time set aside for our survivors and caregivers to walk the track while cheered on by the rest of Relay For LIfe of Second Life.
The Luminaria Ceremony this year will be on July 19th at 9:00pm SLT, the REMEMBER part of Relay. For one hour, names of those we love that have passed away from, or have survived cancer, will be read as we silently circle the track.
Who do you Relay for? If you wish to have the name of a loved one honored by having their name read, please go to the link below and complete the form.
If you have a family member or friend, who is not in SL, but wants to light a luminaria on our track, they have the opportunity to do that. They can visit our website at and then choose to donate (in the right side column) by credit card or paypal and follow the prompts to dedicate a luminaria.
There are sponsorships still available for Relay weekend. Sponsors get some very nice benefits and opportunities at the Relay sims like:
** Name in “about land” of the Relay Weekend region you or your team is sponsoring
** Signage (Clickable) in or near YOUR region’s Relay Information Station
** Logo in Sponsor Directory at the Ceremony Stage during Relay Weekend
** Mention on Relay Radio Station during Relay Weekend
**Name listed on region lap banner on Relay For Life Event track
Contact Cathy10 Longoria to learn more about sponsorship opportunities at Relay!
There are a number of awards that will be presented during Relay weekend. You will find a list of them and the criteria/process for each at this web link:
The final CONVIO CHALLENGE levels will be completed and teams will be awarded at Relay weekend, as well. We still do not have the 100 teams registered for convio challenge met! YOUR TEAM CAN STILL WIN THAT CHALLENGE LEVEL!! Register for convio if you haven't! Read more at this link:
Last year, we were able to receive a (real-life) Relay tshirt from ACS for each $100.00 that we donated. I am THRILLED to announce that once again we will be able to do that this year. For every 100 dollar SINGLE transaction, donated by way of ANY RFL of SL kiosk or convio, an RFL of SL T-Shirt can be shipped directly to you. Rather than waiting for Relay weekend this year, the Century Club TShirt Program starts NOW! Isn't that fantastic?!!. Another VERY cool fact about this year's Century Club program is that the RL shirt will have the SAME design as one that we will all receive inworld, to be worn as ONE TEAM during a very special lap. This is a great way for teams to raise their convio and team totals, at the same time! Please see the embedded notecard for more info.
After the enthusiastic response to last year's Century Club T-shirt program, Sting decided that we needed to have opportunity to get MORE items shipped to us from the storage bins of ACS. So, after finding the keys to the warehouse, he went on a Relay For Life Treasure Hunt and has been finding GREAT items to be shipped out to TWO very lucky Raffle winners! Each entry will cost 1000L and you can enter as many times as you like. Teams may rez raffle vendors and join to the main raffle to sell entries and have it credit to their team totals, too! The drawings will take place on Sunday, July 20th after Event Day has ended. You will not need to be present at the time of the drawing to win. Please read the embedded notecard below for more info.
The Summertime Breedables Fair opened today and will run until July 16th. There are Limited Edition Breedables being sold for RFL plus lots more! It's an amazing set up and their build will be able to be seen from the Relay track during Event weekend, too. Take some time to pop in and visit the Breedables Fair and thank you to all staff and coordinators for taking the time to organize that HUGE event! You can tp in by mapsearching 'Breedables Fair' and choosing one of three sims!
.. takes place at ACS Island on July 11th-18th. This event will feature many real life authors who will be auctioning off unique and very special opportunities in their upcoming books. Watch our website at to learn more info as it is released. This is the first time for this event and we are excited to visit it and meet some amazing authors.
That's all the updates I have for you.. for now. I am sure I'm missing something but yeahhh this is enough for now.
OH, one more thing.. we ask you all not to plan events at your campsites, because we can't have big gatherings at camps and potentially stop the flow of Relaying on the track. But, I DO encourage you to get cool stuff in those vendors!!! You will be able to sell items from your campsites via our vendors and keep raising those team totals PLUS help us get to our goal of 401k! Also, one of the awards is for Creative Fundraising at Relay.. so my challenge to teams is to use your imaginations and put some CREATIVE things in those vendors this Relay weekend. I am soo looking forward to seeing the fun things being sold at the camps, from those vendors. I am going to get my tshirt and swag bagging done now so I can save my lindens for those vendors at Relay! lol
I LOVE Relay weekend! I LOVE Relay! I LOVE our Relay family!
Nikki M
2014 RFL of SL Event Chair
04 July 2014
What an exciting ride it has been!!! We have all come together and worked so hard. I would like to thank all those who have helped relay by donating lindens, making contributions to Convio, and attended events!!! Everything you do has meaning and is deeply appreciated!!
Since we last chatted on the blog:
Ms. Leia was so awesome and kind as to do her own Bid me Bald event - and raised 20K plus toward that effort! She was bald for 5 days!! YAY Leia!!
Then we had a smashing success at our Royal Ascot Day at the Races event! Thanks so much to the Duchess of Trikassi, Liz Wilner, The Wizard of Trikassi, Lady Oriella Charik, and the Countess of Edgewood, Lady Cassie Eldemar. There are soo many others to thank for all their time - Sir DJ Gerrard Winstanley, Lady Petlove, the riders who all rode in the races, Lady Beth Ghostraven for helping us to advertise, and Sir Linn Darkwatch for being our track manager. Thanks to all for making this a wonderful experience for all - we had such a good time -and raised over 44K for this one event! The weekend ended up with Olde in the Dunk tank and Lady Habibah Zambia winning a costume party - total for the weekend was over 46K!
This past weekend with Swashbucklers For Life was soo busy I was very remiss in putting addtions on our blog! So sorry about that - but everything was so exciting and soo busy - there was no time! The Tall Ships Race Trophy was won by Ms. Kirsten Blackheart of the Tradewinds Pirates. Thanks Marcel Ghostraven for such a fantastic trophy! Great race - thanks Admiral Beaumont!! The Privateer's Ball is the last ball of SFL and it was one to be remembered!!! Thanks so much DJ Magz!! It was a great ball and is always so exciting to have it on the ships!! Thank you to all who were soo much help during that busy time! It was truly all about teamwork! One or two people cannot do this on their own. AND for our matching funds - goodness - everyone worked so hard so we could get to Sapphire! Thank you so very much Ms. Magz!! *hugs* from all of us!! Total for the weekend over 100K!!
If we put our noses to the grindstone and our hands and paws together - nothing can stop us!!! And as Ms. Magz so aptly stated....Our team is tiny yet mighty, small yet forceful, diverse yet united, frolicking yet determined! We are ACTS! We are Relay! We have already accomplished a convio challenge worth 10K for Relay Weekend! Remember you can dedicate a luminaria on the track and the money goes toward our team - use your sl name in the message. Call me if you have any questions.
Since we last chatted on the blog:
Ms. Leia was so awesome and kind as to do her own Bid me Bald event - and raised 20K plus toward that effort! She was bald for 5 days!! YAY Leia!!
Then we had a smashing success at our Royal Ascot Day at the Races event! Thanks so much to the Duchess of Trikassi, Liz Wilner, The Wizard of Trikassi, Lady Oriella Charik, and the Countess of Edgewood, Lady Cassie Eldemar. There are soo many others to thank for all their time - Sir DJ Gerrard Winstanley, Lady Petlove, the riders who all rode in the races, Lady Beth Ghostraven for helping us to advertise, and Sir Linn Darkwatch for being our track manager. Thanks to all for making this a wonderful experience for all - we had such a good time -and raised over 44K for this one event! The weekend ended up with Olde in the Dunk tank and Lady Habibah Zambia winning a costume party - total for the weekend was over 46K!
This past weekend with Swashbucklers For Life was soo busy I was very remiss in putting addtions on our blog! So sorry about that - but everything was so exciting and soo busy - there was no time! The Tall Ships Race Trophy was won by Ms. Kirsten Blackheart of the Tradewinds Pirates. Thanks Marcel Ghostraven for such a fantastic trophy! Great race - thanks Admiral Beaumont!! The Privateer's Ball is the last ball of SFL and it was one to be remembered!!! Thanks so much DJ Magz!! It was a great ball and is always so exciting to have it on the ships!! Thank you to all who were soo much help during that busy time! It was truly all about teamwork! One or two people cannot do this on their own. AND for our matching funds - goodness - everyone worked so hard so we could get to Sapphire! Thank you so very much Ms. Magz!! *hugs* from all of us!! Total for the weekend over 100K!!
If we put our noses to the grindstone and our hands and paws together - nothing can stop us!!! And as Ms. Magz so aptly stated....Our team is tiny yet mighty, small yet forceful, diverse yet united, frolicking yet determined! We are ACTS! We are Relay! We have already accomplished a convio challenge worth 10K for Relay Weekend! Remember you can dedicate a luminaria on the track and the money goes toward our team - use your sl name in the message. Call me if you have any questions.
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